Passionate Computer Science graduate specializing in software development, data structures, and machine learning. Currently pursuing my Master’s in Computer Science with a focus on advanced AI systems and NLP.
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Problem Solving and Algorithms
- Personal Portfolio Website: Designed and developed a responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Chatbot using NLP: Built a chatbot leveraging Python and NLTK for natural language understanding.
- E-commerce Website: Created a mock e-commerce platform with React and Node.js.
- Software Development Intern: ABC Tech Solutions, June 2023 - August 2023. Worked on improving backend API performance and integrating third-party services.
- Research Assistant: Emory University, January 2024 - Present. Conducted research in machine learning and NLP for sentiment analysis.