Hi, I'm Abhya!
I'm an engineer with a passion for making machines intelligent. Currently, I'm a Computer Science student at Emory University, building on my strong background in both Machine Learning applications and Software Development. With a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from GITAM University, I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects involving natural language processing, deep learning, computer vision, and big data analysis. Whether it's designing software architecture or deploying machine learning models, I love tackling complex challenges and making an impact. I'm passionate about finding interdisciplinary solutions that bridge the gap between theory and real-world applications.
- Programming Languages: Python, Java
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Problem Solving and Algorithms
- CS50 by Harvard University
- Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by DeepLearning.ai
On-Going Work
- Research: Temporal Dynamics in Language Models
- Research: Burrows Wheeler Theorem x Machine Learning